

Seeded Inventory Reports

Here is a comprehensive list of some of the inventory reports for oracle Applications Release 11i

Stock Status Register Report

Functionality :
Report which gives the sales History of Goods in the inventory
Field : Org_id, Subinv_code, Category, Item, Desc, UOM, Last_issue, Last_Rcvd, Value_cost,Sales for One/two months,Stock Holding
Tables :

Subinventories Quantity Report

Functionality : Report which displays the Subinventory onhand Quantities in all types of UOMs
Fields : Subinv, Location, Item, All Types of UOMs, Lot, Unit Price, Price, Qty

Inactive Items Report:

Functionality: Use the Inactive Items Report to print items that have not had an inventory transaction since the date you specify.

Transaction Historical Summary Report:

Functionality: Use the Transaction Historical Summary Report to report past item quantities, past item value, or past inventory balances. The report calculates historical balances based on a rollback date.

Shortages Summary Report:

Functionality: The Shortages Summary Report provides information on the following:
items for which shortages are detected, the jobs or orders that exist as unfulfilled demand for those items, and the quantities needed.

Item Categories Report:

Functionality: Use the Item Categories Report to list items and their associated categories. Categories let you group items that share similar characteristics.

Item Definition Detail:

Functionality: The report prints the item definition for the organization in which you submit the report.

Item Definition Summary:

Functionality: Use the Item Definition Summary report to print a limited amount of information about items, such as description, status, and cost.You can use this report as a cost audit tool to review the catalog description and item cost.

Item Statuses Report:

Functionality: Use the Item Statuses Report to view the item statuses.

Onhand Quantities Report:

Functionality: This report should print item quantities as on a date for various locations in a matrix format.

Item Subinventory Report:

Functionality: This report lists the items assigned to subinventories.

These are just a few reports from the Inventory module and there are many more reports and will be updated in the future posts.

Courtesy: S.Senthil Kumar

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